GFQL Hop Matcher

GFQL Hop Matcher#

Hop is the core primitive behind a single matcher step in chain.

Calling hop directly has performance benefits over calling chain so may be helpful for larger graphs.

graphistry.compute.hop.hop(self, nodes=None, hops=1, to_fixed_point=False, direction='forward', edge_match=None, source_node_match=None, destination_node_match=None, source_node_query=None, destination_node_query=None, edge_query=None, return_as_wave_front=False, target_wave_front=None, engine=EngineAbstract.AUTO)#

Given a graph and some source nodes, return subgraph of all paths within k-hops from the sources

This can be faster than the equivalent chain([…]) call that wraps it with additional steps

See chain() examples for examples of many of the parameters

g: Plotter nodes: dataframe with id column matching g._node. None signifies all nodes (default). hops: consider paths of length 1 to ‘hops’ steps, if any (default 1). to_fixed_point: keep hopping until no new nodes are found (ignores hops) direction: ‘forward’, ‘reverse’, ‘undirected’ edge_match: dict of kv-pairs to exact match (see also: filter_edges_by_dict) source_node_match: dict of kv-pairs to match nodes before hopping (including intermediate) destination_node_match: dict of kv-pairs to match nodes after hopping (including intermediate) source_node_query: dataframe query to match nodes before hopping (including intermediate) destination_node_query: dataframe query to match nodes after hopping (including intermediate) edge_query: dataframe query to match edges before hopping (including intermediate) return_as_wave_front: Exclude starting node(s) in return, returning only encountered nodes target_wave_front: Only consider these nodes + self._nodes for reachability engine: ‘auto’, ‘pandas’, ‘cudf’ (GPU)

  • self (Plottable)

  • nodes (Any | None)

  • hops (int | None)

  • to_fixed_point (bool)

  • direction (str)

  • edge_match (dict | None)

  • source_node_match (dict | None)

  • destination_node_match (dict | None)

  • source_node_query (str | None)

  • destination_node_query (str | None)

  • edge_query (str | None)

  • target_wave_front (Any | None)

  • engine (EngineAbstract | str)

Return type:


graphistry.compute.hop.query_if_not_none(query, df)#
  • query (str | None)

  • df (Any)

Return type:
