AST Objects#
- class graphistry.compute.ASTSerializable.ASTSerializable#
Internal, not intended for use outside of this module. Class name becomes o[‘type’], and all non reserved_fields become JSON-typed key
- classmethod from_json(d)#
Given c.to_json(), hydrate back c
Corresponding c.__class__.__init__ must accept all non-reserved instance fields
- Parameters:
d (Dict[str, None | bool | str | float | int | List[None | bool | str | float | int | List[JSONVal] | Dict[str, JSONVal]] | Dict[str, None | bool | str | float | int | List[JSONVal] | Dict[str, JSONVal]]])
- Return type:
- reserved_fields = ['type']#
- to_json(validate=True)#
Returns JSON-compatible dictionry {“type”: “ClassName”, “arg1”: val1, …} Emits all non-reserved instance fields
- Return type:
Dict[str, None | bool | str | float | int | List[None | bool | str | float | int | List[JSONVal] | Dict[str, JSONVal]] | Dict[str, None | bool | str | float | int | List[JSONVal] | Dict[str, JSONVal]]]
- validate()#
- Return type:
- class graphistry.compute.ast.ASTObject(name=None)#
Internal, not intended for use outside of this module. These are operator-level expressions used as g.chain(List<ASTObject>)
- Parameters:
name (str | None)
- classmethod from_json(d)#
Given c.to_json(), hydrate back c
Corresponding c.__class__.__init__ must accept all non-reserved instance fields
- Parameters:
d (Dict[str, None | bool | str | float | int | List[None | bool | str | float | int | List[JSONVal] | Dict[str, JSONVal]] | Dict[str, None | bool | str | float | int | List[JSONVal] | Dict[str, JSONVal]]])
- Return type:
- reserved_fields = ['type']#
- to_json(validate=True)#
Returns JSON-compatible dictionry {“type”: “ClassName”, “arg1”: val1, …} Emits all non-reserved instance fields
- Return type:
Dict[str, None | bool | str | float | int | List[None | bool | str | float | int | List[JSONVal] | Dict[str, JSONVal]] | Dict[str, None | bool | str | float | int | List[JSONVal] | Dict[str, JSONVal]]]
- validate()#
- Return type:
- class graphistry.compute.ast.ASTEdge(direction='forward', edge_match=None, hops=1, to_fixed_point=False, source_node_match=None, destination_node_match=None, source_node_query=None, destination_node_query=None, edge_query=None, name=None)#
Internal, not intended for use outside of this module.
- Parameters:
direction (Literal['forward', 'reverse', 'undirected'] | None)
edge_match (dict | None)
hops (int | None)
to_fixed_point (bool)
source_node_match (dict | None)
destination_node_match (dict | None)
source_node_query (str | None)
destination_node_query (str | None)
edge_query (str | None)
name (str | None)
- classmethod from_json(d)#
Given c.to_json(), hydrate back c
Corresponding c.__class__.__init__ must accept all non-reserved instance fields
- Parameters:
d (dict)
- Return type:
- reserved_fields = ['type']#
- to_json(validate=True)#
Returns JSON-compatible dictionry {“type”: “ClassName”, “arg1”: val1, …} Emits all non-reserved instance fields
- Return type:
- validate()#
- Return type:
- class graphistry.compute.predicates.ASTPredicate.ASTPredicate#
Internal, not intended for use outside of this module. These are fancy columnar predicates used in {k: v, …} node/edge df matching when going beyond primitive equality
- classmethod from_json(d)#
Given c.to_json(), hydrate back c
Corresponding c.__class__.__init__ must accept all non-reserved instance fields
- Parameters:
d (Dict[str, None | bool | str | float | int | List[None | bool | str | float | int | List[JSONVal] | Dict[str, JSONVal]] | Dict[str, None | bool | str | float | int | List[JSONVal] | Dict[str, JSONVal]]])
- Return type:
- reserved_fields = ['type']#
- to_json(validate=True)#
Returns JSON-compatible dictionry {“type”: “ClassName”, “arg1”: val1, …} Emits all non-reserved instance fields
- Return type:
Dict[str, None | bool | str | float | int | List[None | bool | str | float | int | List[JSONVal] | Dict[str, JSONVal]] | Dict[str, None | bool | str | float | int | List[JSONVal] | Dict[str, JSONVal]]]
- validate()#
- Return type: