Notebook Tutorials# Getting Started For analysts For developers CSV upload miniapp Visually analyze any table as a graph: Our 3 favorite shapings Visualization Encodings Layout Accounts and Sharing GFQL Graph queries Intro to graph queries with hop and chain GPU Benchmarking GFQL Remote mode Python Remote mode GPU GPU I: CPU Pandas GPU II: cuDF GPU IV: cuML UMAP GPU V: cuGraph How much GPU RAM do you need and how much data fits into a GPU task? Phase 1: Setup and Data Creation AI Story RGCN RGCN+UMAP Link prediction with DGL (cyber) Plugins - Data Providers AlienVault: OTX indicators AlienVault: Locker Goga AlientVault: USM Amazon Neptune I Amazon Neptune II Arango Databricks Memgraph NodeXL Splunk Titan Neo4j - Official Neo4j - Contributed Google Spanner - Finance Graph SQL - Postgres Tigergraph: Bindings Tigergraph: Fraud Tigergraph: Social Plugins - Compute & Layout graphviz HyperNetX NetworkX