GFQL Chain Matcher#

Chain enables combining multiple matchers into a single matcher, e.g., for mining paths and subgraphs.

class graphistry.compute.chain.Chain(chain)#

Bases: ASTSerializable


chain (List[ASTObject])

classmethod from_json(d)#

Convert a JSON AST into a list of ASTObjects


d (Dict[str, None | bool | str | float | int | List[None | bool | str | float | int | List[JSONVal] | Dict[str, JSONVal]] | Dict[str, None | bool | str | float | int | List[JSONVal] | Dict[str, JSONVal]]])

Return type:



Convert a list of ASTObjects into a JSON AST

Return type:

Dict[str, None | bool | str | float | int | List[None | bool | str | float | int | List[JSONVal] | Dict[str, JSONVal]] | Dict[str, None | bool | str | float | int | List[JSONVal] | Dict[str, JSONVal]]]

Return type:


graphistry.compute.chain.chain(self, ops, engine=EngineAbstract.AUTO)#

Chain a list of ASTObject (node/edge) traversal operations

Return subgraph of matches according to the list of node & edge matchers If any matchers are named, add a correspondingly named boolean-valued column to the output

For direct calls, exposes convenience List[ASTObject]. Internal operational should prefer Chain.

Use engine=’cudf’ to force automatic GPU acceleration mode

  • ops (List[ASTObject] | Chain) – List[ASTObject] Various node and edge matchers

  • self (Plottable)

  • engine (EngineAbstract | str)



Return type:


Example: Find nodes of some type

from graphistry.ast import n

people_nodes_df = g.chain([ n({"type": "person"}) ])._nodes

Example: Find 2-hop edge sequences with some attribute

from graphistry.ast import e_forward

g_2_hops = g.chain([ e_forward({"interesting": True}, hops=2) ])

Example: Find any node 1-2 hops out from another node, and label each hop

from graphistry.ast import n, e_undirected

g_2_hops = g.chain([ n({g._node: "a"}), e_undirected(name="hop1"), e_undirected(name="hop2") ])
print('# first-hop edges:', len(g_2_hops._edges[ g_2_hops._edges.hop1 == True ]))

Example: Transaction nodes between two kinds of risky nodes

from graphistry.ast import n, e_forward, e_reverse

g_risky = g.chain([
    n({"risk1": True}),
    n({"type": "transaction"}, name="hit"),
    n({"risk2": True})
print('# hits:', len(g_risky._nodes[ g_risky._nodes.hit ]))

Example: Filter by multiple node types at each step using is_in

from graphistry.ast import n, e_forward, e_reverse, is_in

g_risky = g.chain([
    n({"type": is_in(["person", "company"])}),
    e_forward({"e_type": is_in(["owns", "reviews"])}, to_fixed=True),
    n({"type": is_in(["transaction", "account"])}, name="hit"),
    n({"risk2": True})
print('# hits:', len(g_risky._nodes[ g_risky._nodes.hit ]))

Example: Run with automatic GPU acceleration

import cudf
import graphistry

e_gdf = cudf.from_pandas(df)
g1 = graphistry.edges(e_gdf, 's', 'd')
g2 = g1.chain([ ... ])

Example: Run with automatic GPU acceleration, and force GPU mode

import cudf
import graphistry

e_gdf = cudf.from_pandas(df)
g1 = graphistry.edges(e_gdf, 's', 'd')
g2 = g1.chain([ ... ], engine='cudf')
graphistry.compute.chain.combine_steps(g, kind, steps, engine)#

Collect nodes and edges, taking care to deduplicate and tag any names

Return type:
