
cuGraph is a GPU-accelerated graph library that leverages the Nvidia RAPIDS ecosystem. PyGraphistry provides a more fluent interface to enrich and transform your data with cuGraph methods without the boilerplate.

graphistry.plugins.cugraph.compute_cugraph(self, alg, out_col=None, params={}, kind='Graph', directed=True, G=None)#

Run cugraph algorithm on graph. For algorithm parameters, see cuGraph docs.

  • alg (str) – algorithm name

  • out_col (Optional[str]) – node table output column name, defaults to alg param

  • params (dict) – algorithm parameters passed to cuGraph as kwargs

  • kind (CuGraphKind) – kind of cugraph to use

  • directed (bool) – whether graph is directed

  • G (Optional[cugraph.Graph]) – cugraph graph to use; if None, use self

  • self (Plottable)



Return type:


Example: Pass params to cugraph
edges = pd.DataFrame({'s': ['a','b','c','d'], 'd': ['c','c','e','e']})
g = graphistry.edges(edges, 's', 'd')
g2 = g.compute_cugraph('betweenness_centrality', params={'k': 2})
assert 'betweenness_centrality' in g2._nodes.columns
Example: Pagerank
edges = pd.DataFrame({'s': ['a','b','c','d'], 'd': ['c','c','e','e']})
g = graphistry.edges(edges, 's', 'd')
g2 = g.compute_cugraph('pagerank')
assert 'pagerank' in g2._nodes.columns
Example: Personalized Pagerank

edges = pd.DataFrame({‘s’: [‘a’,’b’,’c’,’d’], ‘d’: [‘c’,’c’,’e’,’e’]}) g = graphistry.edges(edges, ‘s’, ‘d’) g2 = g.compute_cugraph(‘pagerank’, params={‘personalization’: cudf.DataFrame({‘vertex’: [‘a’], ‘values’: [1]})}) assert ‘pagerank’ in g2._nodes.columns

Example: Katz centrality with rename
edges = pd.DataFrame({'s': ['a','b','c','d'], 'd': ['c','c','e','e']})
g = graphistry.edges(edges, 's', 'd')
g2 = g.compute_cugraph('katz_centrality', out_col='katz_centrality_renamed')
assert 'katz_centrality_renamed' in g2._nodes.columns
graphistry.plugins.cugraph.compute_cugraph_core(self, alg, out_col=None, params={}, kind='Graph', directed=True, G=None)#

Run cugraph algorithm on graph. For algorithm parameters, see cuGraph docs.

  • alg (str) – algorithm name

  • out_col (Optional[str]) – node table output column name, defaults to alg param

  • params (dict) – algorithm parameters passed to cuGraph as kwargs

  • kind (CuGraphKind) – kind of cugraph to use

  • directed (bool) – whether graph is directed

  • G (Optional[cugraph.Graph]) – cugraph graph to use; if None, use self

  • self (Plottable)



Return type:


Example: Pass params to cugraph
edges = pd.DataFrame({'s': ['a','b','c','d'], 'd': ['c','c','e','e']})
g = graphistry.edges(edges, 's', 'd')
g2 = g.compute_cugraph('betweenness_centrality', params={'k': 2})
assert 'betweenness_centrality' in g2._nodes.columns
Example: Pagerank
edges = pd.DataFrame({'s': ['a','b','c','d'], 'd': ['c','c','e','e']})
g = graphistry.edges(edges, 's', 'd')
g2 = g.compute_cugraph('pagerank')
assert 'pagerank' in g2._nodes.columns
Example: Personalized Pagerank

edges = pd.DataFrame({‘s’: [‘a’,’b’,’c’,’d’], ‘d’: [‘c’,’c’,’e’,’e’]}) g = graphistry.edges(edges, ‘s’, ‘d’) g2 = g.compute_cugraph(‘pagerank’, params={‘personalization’: cudf.DataFrame({‘vertex’: [‘a’], ‘values’: [1]})}) assert ‘pagerank’ in g2._nodes.columns

Example: Katz centrality with rename
edges = pd.DataFrame({'s': ['a','b','c','d'], 'd': ['c','c','e','e']})
g = graphistry.edges(edges, 's', 'd')
g2 = g.compute_cugraph('katz_centrality', out_col='katz_centrality_renamed')
assert 'katz_centrality_renamed' in g2._nodes.columns

df (Any)

graphistry.plugins.cugraph.from_cugraph(self, G, node_attributes=None, edge_attributes=None, load_nodes=True, load_edges=True, merge_if_existing=True)#

Take input cugraph.Graph object and load in data and bindings (source, destination, edge_weight)

If non-empty nodes/edges, instead of returning G’s topology, use existing topology and merge in G’s attributes

  • node_attributes (List[str] | None)

  • edge_attributes (List[str] | None)

  • load_nodes (bool)

  • load_edges (bool)

  • merge_if_existing (bool)

Return type:


graphistry.plugins.cugraph.layout_cugraph(self, layout='force_atlas2', params={}, kind='Graph', directed=True, G=None, bind_position=True, x_out_col='x', y_out_col='y', play=0)#

Layout the grpah using a cuGraph algorithm. For a list of layouts, see cugraph documentation (currently just force_atlas2).

  • layout (str) – Name of an cugraph layout method like force_atlas2

  • params (dict) – Any named parameters to pass to the underlying cugraph method

  • kind (CuGraphKind) – The kind of cugraph Graph

  • directed (bool) – During the to_cugraph conversion, whether to be directed. (default True)

  • G (Optional[Any]) – The cugraph graph (G) to layout. If None, the current graph is used.

  • bind_position (bool) – Whether to call bind(point_x=, point_y=) (default True)

  • x_out_col (str) – Attribute to write x position to. (default ‘x’)

  • y_out_col (str) – Attribute to write x position to. (default ‘y’)

  • play (Optional[str]) – If defined, set settings(url_params={‘play’: play}). (default 0)

  • self (Plottable)



Return type:


Example: ForceAtlas2 layout
import graphistry, pandas as pd
edges = pd.DataFrame({'s': ['a','b','c','d'], 'd': ['b','c','d','e']})
g = graphistry.edges(edges, 's', 'd')
Example: Change which column names are generated
import graphistry, pandas as pd
edges = pd.DataFrame({'s': ['a','b','c','d'], 'd': ['b','c','d','e']})
g = graphistry.edges(edges, 's', 'd')
g2 = g.layout_cugraph('force_atlas2', x_out_col='my_x', y_out_col='my_y')
assert 'my_x' in g2._nodes
assert g2._point_x == 'my_x'
Example: Pass parameters to layout methods
import graphistry, pandas as pd
edges = pd.DataFrame({'s': ['a','b','c','d'], 'd': ['b','c','d','e']})
g = graphistry.edges(edges, 's', 'd')
g2 = g.layout_cugraph('forceatlas_2', params={'lin_log_mode': True, 'prevent_overlapping': True})
graphistry.plugins.cugraph.layout_cugraph_core(self, layout='force_atlas2', params={}, kind='Graph', directed=True, G=None, bind_position=True, x_out_col='x', y_out_col='y', play=0)#

Layout the grpah using a cuGraph algorithm. For a list of layouts, see cugraph documentation (currently just force_atlas2).

  • layout (str) – Name of an cugraph layout method like force_atlas2

  • params (dict) – Any named parameters to pass to the underlying cugraph method

  • kind (CuGraphKind) – The kind of cugraph Graph

  • directed (bool) – During the to_cugraph conversion, whether to be directed. (default True)

  • G (Optional[Any]) – The cugraph graph (G) to layout. If None, the current graph is used.

  • bind_position (bool) – Whether to call bind(point_x=, point_y=) (default True)

  • x_out_col (str) – Attribute to write x position to. (default ‘x’)

  • y_out_col (str) – Attribute to write x position to. (default ‘y’)

  • play (Optional[str]) – If defined, set settings(url_params={‘play’: play}). (default 0)

  • self (Plottable)



Return type:


Example: ForceAtlas2 layout
import graphistry, pandas as pd
edges = pd.DataFrame({'s': ['a','b','c','d'], 'd': ['b','c','d','e']})
g = graphistry.edges(edges, 's', 'd')
Example: Change which column names are generated
import graphistry, pandas as pd
edges = pd.DataFrame({'s': ['a','b','c','d'], 'd': ['b','c','d','e']})
g = graphistry.edges(edges, 's', 'd')
g2 = g.layout_cugraph('force_atlas2', x_out_col='my_x', y_out_col='my_y')
assert 'my_x' in g2._nodes
assert g2._point_x == 'my_x'
Example: Pass parameters to layout methods
import graphistry, pandas as pd
edges = pd.DataFrame({'s': ['a','b','c','d'], 'd': ['b','c','d','e']})
g = graphistry.edges(edges, 's', 'd')
g2 = g.layout_cugraph('forceatlas_2', params={'lin_log_mode': True, 'prevent_overlapping': True})
graphistry.plugins.cugraph.to_cugraph(self, directed=True, include_nodes=True, node_attributes=None, edge_attributes=None, kind='Graph')#

Convert current graph to a cugraph.Graph object

To assign an edge weight, use g.bind(edge_weight=’some_col’).to_cugraph()

Load from pandas, cudf, or dask_cudf DataFrames

  • self (Plottable)

  • directed (bool)

  • include_nodes (bool)

  • node_attributes (List[str] | None)

  • edge_attributes (List[str] | None)

  • kind (Literal['Graph', 'MultiGraph', 'BiPartiteGraph'])


graphistry.plugins.cugraph.compute_algs: List[str] = ['betweenness_centrality', 'katz_centrality', 'ecg', 'leiden', 'louvain', 'spectralBalancedCutClustering', 'spectralModularityMaximizationClustering', 'connected_components', 'strongly_connected_components', 'core_number', 'hits', 'pagerank', 'bfs', 'bfs_edges', 'sssp', 'shortest_path', 'shortest_path_length', 'batched_ego_graphs', 'edge_betweenness_centrality', 'jaccard', 'jaccard_w', 'overlap', 'overlap_coefficient', 'overlap_w', 'sorensen', 'sorensen_coefficient', 'sorensen_w', 'ego_graph', 'k_core', 'minimum_spanning_tree']#

Built-in mutable sequence.

If no argument is given, the constructor creates a new empty list. The argument must be an iterable if specified.

graphistry.plugins.cugraph.layout_algs: List[str] = ['force_atlas2']#

Built-in mutable sequence.

If no argument is given, the constructor creates a new empty list. The argument must be an iterable if specified.


alias of Literal[‘Graph’, ‘MultiGraph’, ‘BiPartiteGraph’]