Graphistry cuGraph bindings#
Graphistry simplifies working with cuGraph. This tutorial demonstrates:
Converting data between cpu/gpu dataframes and cuGraph
Enriching dataframes with cuGraph algorithm results
An upcoming release will be adding remote GPU execution when your immediate Python environment does not have a GPU.
import graphistry, pandas as pd
graphistry.register(api=3, username='...', password='...')
/opt/conda/envs/rapids/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/cuda/ UserWarning: HIP initialization: Unexpected error from hipGetDeviceCount(). Did you run some cuda functions before calling NumHipDevices() that might have already set an error? Error 101: hipErrorInvalidDevice (Triggered internally at ../c10/hip/HIPFunctions.cpp:110.)
return torch._C._cuda_getDeviceCount() > 0
/opt/conda/envs/rapids/lib/python3.8/site-packages/huggingface_hub/ FutureWarning: has been made private and will no longer be available from version 0.11. Please use `from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download` to import the only public function in this module. Other members of the file may be changed without a deprecation notice.
df = pd.read_csv('')
g = graphistry.edges(df, df.columns[0], df.columns[1])
source | target | value | |
44 | Fantine | Dahlia | 4 |
206 | Gueulemer | Valjean | 1 |
225 | Claquesous | Enjolras | 1 |
49 | Mme.Thenardier | Valjean | 7 |
110 | Gavroche | Thenardier | 1 |
Enrich graphs with cuGraph algorithm results and visualize the results#
g2 = g.compute_cugraph('pagerank')
/opt/conda/envs/rapids/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cudf/core/ FutureWarning: append is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use concat instead.
id | pagerank | |
24 | Labarre | 0.027145 |
25 | Listolier | 0.024138 |
37 | Mme.Pontmercy | 0.004004 |
56 | Champtercier | 0.004004 |
49 | BaronessT | 0.004004 |
g2.encode_point_color('pagerank', ['blue', 'yellow', 'red'], as_continuous=True).plot()
Use cuGraph provided layouts#
Run cuGraph’s implementation of force_atlas2, inspect results, use custom parameters, and render.
Note that Graphistry’s default layout algorithm is already a GPU accelerated FA2 and with additional settings.
g3 = g2.layout_cugraph('force_atlas2')
/opt/conda/envs/rapids/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cudf/core/ FutureWarning: append is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use concat instead.
id | pagerank | x | y | |
63 | Mme.Burgon | 0.010177 | 100.112083 | 116.192375 |
36 | Eponine | 0.014482 | 4.713388 | 30.839472 |
38 | Fantine | 0.043900 | -38.890110 | -113.019806 |
67 | Mme.Thenardier | 0.036174 | -15.617190 | -7.400091 |
24 | Champtercier | 0.004004 | 169.118210 | -157.776154 |
g3b = g2.layout_cugraph('force_atlas2', params={'lin_log_mode': True})
id | pagerank | x | y | |
34 | Mme.Burgon | 0.010177 | 341.922455 | -116.781532 |
56 | Listolier | 0.024138 | 312.646667 | -599.275085 |
13 | Geborand | 0.004004 | -17.671986 | 85.812553 |
35 | Mme.Hucheloup | 0.004004 | 325.224762 | 235.983505 |
73 | Feuilly | 0.006593 | 259.452240 | 416.950470 |
Convert between dataframes and cuGraph#
G = g3.to_cugraph()
/opt/conda/envs/rapids/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cudf/core/ FutureWarning: append is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use concat instead.
<cugraph.structure.graph_classes.Graph at 0x7f122b43f2e0>
g4 = graphistry.from_cugraph(G)
'edges': g4._edges.shape,
'nodes': g4.materialize_nodes()._nodes.shape
{'edges': (254, 2), 'nodes': (77, 1)}
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