Circle Layout

Circle Layout#, bounding_box=None, ring_spacing=None, point_spacing=None, partition_by=None, sort_by=None, ascending=True, na_position='last', ignore_index=True, engine=EngineAbstract.AUTO)#

Arranges nodes in a circular layout

If partition_by and and bounding_box df are provided, do as multiple circles

Each circle is sorted, by default by degree

The ring radius is set to circumscribe the bounding box of the nodes


param self:


type self:


param bounding_box:

The bounding box for the circular layout, in the format (cx, cy, width, height), or a partition-keyed dataframe of the same. If not provided, the bounding box is determined based on the nodes’ positions.

type bounding_box:

Optional[Tuple[float, float, float, float] | df[[partition_key, cx, cy, w, h]]]

param ring_spacing:

The spacing between successive rings. Defaults to 1.0 if not provided.

type ring_spacing:


param point_spacing:

The distance between nodes within a ring, along the circumference. Defaults to ring_spacing * 0.1 if not provided.

type point_spacing:


param partition_by:

Column name or list of column names to sort nodes by. Defaults to None, in which case no sorting is applied.

type partition_by:

Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]

param sort_by:

Column name or list of column names to sort nodes by. Defaults to None, in which case sorting is by degree, in-degree, outdegree.

type sort_by:

Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]

param ascending:

Whether to sort ascending or descending.

type ascending:

Union[bool, List[bool]]

param na_position:

Where to position NaNs in the sorting order. Defaults to ‘last’.

type na_position:


param ignore_index:

Whether to ignore the index when sorting. Defaults to True.

type ignore_index:


param engine:

The engine to use for computations (either ‘pandas’ or ‘cudf’). Defaults to EngineAbstract.AUTO.

type engine:

Union[EngineAbstract, str]



A graph object with nodes arranged in a circular layout.

  • self (Plottable)

  • bounding_box (Tuple[float, float, float, float] | Any | None)

  • ring_spacing (float | None)

  • point_spacing (float | None)

  • partition_by (str | List[str] | None)

  • sort_by (str | List[str] | None)

  • ascending (bool | List[bool])

  • na_position (str)

  • ignore_index (bool)

  • engine (EngineAbstract | str)

Return type:
