graphviz is a popular graph visualization library that PyGraphistry can interface with. This allows you to leverage graphviz’s powerful layout algorithms, and optionally, static picture renderer. It is especially well-known for its “dot” layout algorithm for hierarchical and tree layouts of graphs with less than 10,000 nodes and edges.
- graphistry.plugins.graphviz.g_to_pgv(g, directed=True, strict=False, drop_unsanitary=False)#
- Parameters:
g (Plottable)
directed (bool)
strict (bool)
drop_unsanitary (bool)
- Return type:
- graphistry.plugins.graphviz.g_with_pgv_layout(g, graph)#
- graphistry.plugins.graphviz.layout_graphviz(self, prog='dot', args=None, directed=True, strict=False, graph_attr=None, node_attr=None, edge_attr=None, skip_styling=False, render_to_disk=False, path=None, format=None, drop_unsanitary=False)#
Use graphviz for layout, such as hierarchical trees and directed acycle graphs
Requires pygraphviz Python bindings and graphviz native libraries to be installed, see
See PROGS for available layout algorithms
To render image to disk, set render=True
- Parameters:
self (Plottable) – Base graph
prog (
) – Layout algorithm - “dot”, “neato”, …args (Optional[str]) – Additional arguments to pass to the graphviz commandline for layout
directed (bool) – Whether the graph is directed (True, default) or undirected (False)
strict (bool) – Whether the graph is strict (True) or not (False, default)
graph_attr (Optional[Dict[
, Any]]) – Graphviz graph attributes, see (Optional[Dict[
, Any]]) – Graphviz node attributes, see (Optional[Dict[
, Any]]) – Graphviz edge attributes, see (bool) – Whether to skip applying default styling (False, default) or not (True)
render_to_disk (bool) – Whether to render the graph to disk (False, default) or not (True)
path (Optional[str]) – Path to save the rendered image when render_to_disk=True
format (Optional[
]) – Format of the rendered image when render_to_disk=Truedrop_unsanitary (bool) – Whether to drop unsanitary attributes (False, default) or not (True), recommended for sensitive settings
- Returns:
Graph with layout and style settings applied, setting x/y
- Return type:
- Example: Dot layout for rigid hierarchical layout of trees and directed acyclic graphs
import graphistry edges = pd.DataFrame({'s': ['a','b','c','d'], 'd': ['b','c','d','e']}) g = graphistry.edges(edges, 's', 'd') g.layout_graphviz('dot').plot()
Example: Neato layout for organic layout of small graphs
import graphistry edges = pd.DataFrame({'s': ['a','b','c','d'], 'd': ['b','c','d','e']}) g = graphistry.edges(edges, 's', 'd') g.layout_graphviz('neato').plot()
Example: Set graphviz attributes at graph level
import graphistry edges = pd.DataFrame({'s': ['a','b','c','d'], 'd': ['b','c','d','e']}) g = graphistry.edges(edges, 's', 'd') g.layout_graphviz( prog='dot', graph_attr={ 'ratio': 10 } ).plot()
Example: Save rendered image to disk as a png
import graphistry edges = pd.DataFrame({'s': ['a','b','c','d'], 'd': ['b','c','d','e']}) g = graphistry.edges(edges, 's', 'd') g.layout_graphviz( 'dot', render_to_disk=True, path='graph.png', format='png' )
Example: Save rendered image to disk as a png with passthrough of rendering styles
import graphistry edges = pd.DataFrame({ 's': ['a','b','c','d'], 'd': ['b','c','d','e'], 'color': ['red', None, None, 'yellow'] }) nodes = pd.DataFrame({ 'n': ['a','b','c','d','e'], 'shape': ['circle', 'square', None, 'square', 'circle'] }) g = graphistry.edges(edges, 's', 'd') g.layout_graphviz( 'dot', render_to_disk=True, path='graph.png', format='png' )
- graphistry.plugins.graphviz.layout_graphviz_core(g, prog='dot', args=None, directed=True, strict=False, graph_attr=None, node_attr=None, edge_attr=None, drop_unsanitary=False)#
- Parameters:
g (Plottable)
prog (Literal['acyclic', 'ccomps', 'circo', 'dot', 'fdp', 'gc', 'gvcolor', 'gvpr', 'neato', 'nop', 'osage', 'patchwork', 'sccmap', 'sfdp', 'tred', 'twopi', 'unflatten'])
args (str | None)
directed (bool)
strict (bool)
graph_attr (Dict[Literal['_background', 'bb', 'beautify', 'bgcolor', 'center', 'charset', 'class', 'clusterrank', 'colorscheme', 'comment', 'compound', 'concentrate', 'Damping', 'defaultdist', 'dim', 'dimen', 'diredgeconstraints', 'dpi', 'epsilon', 'esep', 'fontcolor', 'fontname', 'fontnames', 'fontpath', 'fontsize', 'forcelabels', 'gradientangle', 'href', 'id', 'imagepath', 'inputscale', 'K', 'label', 'label_scheme', 'labeljust', 'labelloc', 'landscape', 'layerlistsep', 'layers', 'layerselect', 'layersep', 'layout', 'levels', 'levelsgap', 'lheight', 'linelength', 'lp', 'lwidth', 'margin', 'maxiter', 'mclimit', 'mindist', 'mode', 'model', 'newrank', 'nodesep', 'nojustify', 'normalize', 'notranslate', 'nslimit', 'nslimit1', 'oneblock', 'ordering', 'orientation', 'outputorder', 'overlap', 'overlap_scaling', 'overlap_shrink', 'pack', 'packmode', 'pad', 'page', 'pagedir', 'quadtree', 'quantum', 'rankdir', 'ranksep', 'ratio', 'remincross', 'repulsiveforce', 'resolution', 'root', 'rotate', 'rotation', 'scale', 'searchsize', 'sep', 'showboxes', 'size', 'smoothing', 'sortv', 'splines', 'start', 'style', 'stylesheet', 'target', 'TBbalance', 'tooltip', 'truecolor', 'URL', 'viewport', 'voro_margin', 'xdotversion'], ~typing.Any] | None)
node_attr (Dict[Literal['area', 'class', 'color', 'colorscheme', 'comment', 'distortion', 'fillcolor', 'fixedsize', 'fontcolor', 'fontname', 'fontsize', 'gradientangle', 'group', 'height', 'href', 'id', 'image', 'imagepos', 'imagescale', 'label', 'labelloc', 'layer', 'margin', 'nojustify', 'ordering', 'orientation', 'penwidth', 'peripheries', 'pin', 'pos', 'rects', 'regular', 'root', 'samplepoints', 'shape', 'shapefile', 'showboxes', 'sides', 'skew', 'sortv', 'style', 'target', 'tooltip', 'URL', 'vertices', 'width', 'xlabel', 'xlp', 'z'], ~typing.Any] | None)
edge_attr (Dict[Literal['arrowhead', 'arrowsize', 'arrowtail', 'class', 'color', 'colorscheme', 'comment', 'constraint', 'decorate', 'dir', 'edgehref', 'edgetarget', 'edgetooltip', 'edgeURL', 'fillcolor', 'fontcolor', 'fontname', 'fontsize', 'head_lp', 'headclip', 'headhref', 'headlabel', 'headport', 'headtarget', 'headtooltip', 'headURL', 'href', 'id', 'label', 'labelangle', 'labeldistance', 'labelfloat', 'labelfontcolor', 'labelfontname', 'labelfontsize', 'labelhref', 'labeltarget', 'labeltooltip', 'labelURL', 'layer', 'len', 'lhead', 'lp', 'ltail', 'minlen', 'nojustify', 'penwidth', 'pos', 'samehead', 'sametail', 'showboxes', 'style', 'tail_lp', 'tailclip', 'tailhref', 'taillabel', 'tailport', 'tailtarget', 'tailtooltip', 'tailURL', 'target', 'tooltip', 'URL', 'weight', 'xlabel', 'xlp'], ~typing.Any] | None)
drop_unsanitary (bool)
- Return type:
- graphistry.plugins_types.graphviz_types.EdgeAttr
alias of
[‘arrowhead’, ‘arrowsize’, ‘arrowtail’, ‘class’, ‘color’, ‘colorscheme’, ‘comment’, ‘constraint’, ‘decorate’, ‘dir’, ‘edgehref’, ‘edgetarget’, ‘edgetooltip’, ‘edgeURL’, ‘fillcolor’, ‘fontcolor’, ‘fontname’, ‘fontsize’, ‘head_lp’, ‘headclip’, ‘headhref’, ‘headlabel’, ‘headport’, ‘headtarget’, ‘headtooltip’, ‘headURL’, ‘href’, ‘id’, ‘label’, ‘labelangle’, ‘labeldistance’, ‘labelfloat’, ‘labelfontcolor’, ‘labelfontname’, ‘labelfontsize’, ‘labelhref’, ‘labeltarget’, ‘labeltooltip’, ‘labelURL’, ‘layer’, ‘len’, ‘lhead’, ‘lp’, ‘ltail’, ‘minlen’, ‘nojustify’, ‘penwidth’, ‘pos’, ‘samehead’, ‘sametail’, ‘showboxes’, ‘style’, ‘tail_lp’, ‘tailclip’, ‘tailhref’, ‘taillabel’, ‘tailport’, ‘tailtarget’, ‘tailtooltip’, ‘tailURL’, ‘target’, ‘tooltip’, ‘URL’, ‘weight’, ‘xlabel’, ‘xlp’]
- graphistry.plugins_types.graphviz_types.Format
alias of
[‘canon’, ‘cmap’, ‘cmapx’, ‘cmapx_np’, ‘dia’, ‘dot’, ‘fig’, ‘gd’, ‘gd2’, ‘gif’, ‘hpgl’, ‘imap’, ‘imap_np’, ‘ismap’, ‘jpe’, ‘jpeg’, ‘jpg’, ‘mif’, ‘mp’, ‘pcl’, ‘pdf’, ‘pic’, ‘plain’, ‘plain-ext’, ‘png’, ‘ps’, ‘ps2’, ‘svg’, ‘svgz’, ‘vml’, ‘vmlz’, ‘vrml’, ‘vtx’, ‘wbmp’, ‘xdot’, ‘xlib’]
- graphistry.plugins_types.graphviz_types.GraphAttr
alias of
[‘_background’, ‘bb’, ‘beautify’, ‘bgcolor’, ‘center’, ‘charset’, ‘class’, ‘clusterrank’, ‘colorscheme’, ‘comment’, ‘compound’, ‘concentrate’, ‘Damping’, ‘defaultdist’, ‘dim’, ‘dimen’, ‘diredgeconstraints’, ‘dpi’, ‘epsilon’, ‘esep’, ‘fontcolor’, ‘fontname’, ‘fontnames’, ‘fontpath’, ‘fontsize’, ‘forcelabels’, ‘gradientangle’, ‘href’, ‘id’, ‘imagepath’, ‘inputscale’, ‘K’, ‘label’, ‘label_scheme’, ‘labeljust’, ‘labelloc’, ‘landscape’, ‘layerlistsep’, ‘layers’, ‘layerselect’, ‘layersep’, ‘layout’, ‘levels’, ‘levelsgap’, ‘lheight’, ‘linelength’, ‘lp’, ‘lwidth’, ‘margin’, ‘maxiter’, ‘mclimit’, ‘mindist’, ‘mode’, ‘model’, ‘newrank’, ‘nodesep’, ‘nojustify’, ‘normalize’, ‘notranslate’, ‘nslimit’, ‘nslimit1’, ‘oneblock’, ‘ordering’, ‘orientation’, ‘outputorder’, ‘overlap’, ‘overlap_scaling’, ‘overlap_shrink’, ‘pack’, ‘packmode’, ‘pad’, ‘page’, ‘pagedir’, ‘quadtree’, ‘quantum’, ‘rankdir’, ‘ranksep’, ‘ratio’, ‘remincross’, ‘repulsiveforce’, ‘resolution’, ‘root’, ‘rotate’, ‘rotation’, ‘scale’, ‘searchsize’, ‘sep’, ‘showboxes’, ‘size’, ‘smoothing’, ‘sortv’, ‘splines’, ‘start’, ‘style’, ‘stylesheet’, ‘target’, ‘TBbalance’, ‘tooltip’, ‘truecolor’, ‘URL’, ‘viewport’, ‘voro_margin’, ‘xdotversion’]
- graphistry.plugins_types.graphviz_types.NodeAttr
alias of
[‘area’, ‘class’, ‘color’, ‘colorscheme’, ‘comment’, ‘distortion’, ‘fillcolor’, ‘fixedsize’, ‘fontcolor’, ‘fontname’, ‘fontsize’, ‘gradientangle’, ‘group’, ‘height’, ‘href’, ‘id’, ‘image’, ‘imagepos’, ‘imagescale’, ‘label’, ‘labelloc’, ‘layer’, ‘margin’, ‘nojustify’, ‘ordering’, ‘orientation’, ‘penwidth’, ‘peripheries’, ‘pin’, ‘pos’, ‘rects’, ‘regular’, ‘root’, ‘samplepoints’, ‘shape’, ‘shapefile’, ‘showboxes’, ‘sides’, ‘skew’, ‘sortv’, ‘style’, ‘target’, ‘tooltip’, ‘URL’, ‘vertices’, ‘width’, ‘xlabel’, ‘xlp’, ‘z’]
- graphistry.plugins_types.graphviz_types.Prog
alias of
[‘acyclic’, ‘ccomps’, ‘circo’, ‘dot’, ‘fdp’, ‘gc’, ‘gvcolor’, ‘gvpr’, ‘neato’, ‘nop’, ‘osage’, ‘patchwork’, ‘sccmap’, ‘sfdp’, ‘tred’, ‘twopi’, ‘unflatten’]
- graphistry.plugins_types.graphviz_types.EDGE_ATTRS typing.List[graphistry.plugins_types.graphviz_types.EdgeAttr]#
Built-in mutable sequence.
If no argument is given, the constructor creates a new empty list. The argument must be an iterable if specified.
- graphistry.plugins_types.graphviz_types.FORMATS typing.List[graphistry.plugins_types.graphviz_types.Format]#
Built-in mutable sequence.
If no argument is given, the constructor creates a new empty list. The argument must be an iterable if specified.
- graphistry.plugins_types.graphviz_types.GRAPH_ATTRS typing.List[graphistry.plugins_types.graphviz_types.GraphAttr]#
Built-in mutable sequence.
If no argument is given, the constructor creates a new empty list. The argument must be an iterable if specified.
- graphistry.plugins_types.graphviz_types.NODE_ATTRS typing.List[graphistry.plugins_types.graphviz_types.NodeAttr]#
Built-in mutable sequence.
If no argument is given, the constructor creates a new empty list. The argument must be an iterable if specified.
- graphistry.plugins_types.graphviz_types.PROGS typing.List[graphistry.plugins_types.graphviz_types.Prog]#
Built-in mutable sequence.
If no argument is given, the constructor creates a new empty list. The argument must be an iterable if specified.