ComputeMixin module

class graphistry.compute.ComputeMixin.ComputeMixin(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

chain(*args, **kwargs)

Chain a list of ASTObject (node/edge) traversal operations

Return subgraph of matches according to the list of node & edge matchers If any matchers are named, add a correspondingly named boolean-valued column to the output

For direct calls, exposes convenience List[ASTObject]. Internal operational should prefer Chain.

Use engine=’cudf’ to force automatic GPU acceleration mode


ops – List[ASTObject] Various node and edge matchers



Return type


Example: Find nodes of some type

from graphistry.ast import n

people_nodes_df = g.chain([ n({"type": "person"}) ])._nodes

Example: Find 2-hop edge sequences with some attribute

from graphistry.ast import e_forward

g_2_hops = g.chain([ e_forward({"interesting": True}, hops=2) ])

Example: Find any node 1-2 hops out from another node, and label each hop

from graphistry.ast import n, e_undirected

g_2_hops = g.chain([ n({g._node: "a"}), e_undirected(name="hop1"), e_undirected(name="hop2") ])
print('# first-hop edges:', len(g_2_hops._edges[ g_2_hops._edges.hop1 == True ]))

Example: Transaction nodes between two kinds of risky nodes

from graphistry.ast import n, e_forward, e_reverse

g_risky = g.chain([
    n({"risk1": True}),
    n({"type": "transaction"}, name="hit"),
    n({"risk2": True})
print('# hits:', len(g_risky._nodes[ g_risky._nodes.hit ]))

Example: Filter by multiple node types at each step using is_in

from graphistry.ast import n, e_forward, e_reverse, is_in

g_risky = g.chain([
    n({"type": is_in(["person", "company"])}),
    e_forward({"e_type": is_in(["owns", "reviews"])}, to_fixed=True),
    n({"type": is_in(["transaction", "account"])}, name="hit"),
    n({"risk2": True})
print('# hits:', len(g_risky._nodes[ g_risky._nodes.hit ]))

Example: Run with automatic GPU acceleration

import cudf
import graphistry

e_gdf = cudf.from_pandas(df)
g1 = graphistry.edges(e_gdf, 's', 'd')
g2 = g1.chain([ ... ])

Example: Run with automatic GPU acceleration, and force GPU mode

import cudf
import graphistry

e_gdf = cudf.from_pandas(df)
g1 = graphistry.edges(e_gdf, 's', 'd')
g2 = g1.chain([ ... ], engine='cudf')
collapse(node, attribute, column, self_edges=False, unwrap=False, verbose=False)

Topology-aware collapse by given column attribute starting at node

Traverses directed graph from start node node and collapses clusters of nodes that share the same property so that topology is preserved.

  • node (Union[str, int]) – start node to begin traversal

  • attribute (Union[str, int]) – the given attribute to collapse over within column

  • column (Union[str, int]) – the column of nodes DataFrame that contains attribute to collapse over

  • self_edges (bool) – whether to include self edges in the collapsed graph

  • unwrap (bool) – whether to unwrap the collapsed graph into a single node

  • verbose (bool) – whether to print out collapse summary information

:returns:A new Graphistry instance with nodes and edges DataFrame containing collapsed nodes and edges given by column attribute – nodes and edges DataFrames contain six new columns collapse_{node | edges} and final_{node | edges}, while original (node, src, dst) columns are left untouched :rtype: Plottable


return g with any nodes/edges involving the node id series removed

filter_edges_by_dict(*args, **kwargs)

filter edges to those that match all values in filter_dict

filter_nodes_by_dict(*args, **kwargs)

filter nodes to those that match all values in filter_dict

get_degrees(col='degree', degree_in='degree_in', degree_out='degree_out')

Decorate nodes table with degree info

Edges must be dataframe-like: pandas, cudf, …

Parameters determine generated column names

Warning: Self-cycles are currently double-counted. This may change.

Example: Generate degree columns

edges = pd.DataFrame({'s': ['a','b','c','d'], 'd': ['c','c','e','e']})
g = graphistry.edges(edges, 's', 'd')
print(g._nodes)  # None
g2 = g.get_degrees()
print(g2._nodes)  # pd.DataFrame with 'id', 'degree', 'degree_in', 'degree_out'
  • col (str) –

  • degree_in (str) –

  • degree_out (str) –


See get_degrees


col (str) –


See get_degrees


col (str) –

get_topological_levels(level_col='level', allow_cycles=True, warn_cycles=True, remove_self_loops=True)

Label nodes on column level_col based on topological sort depth Supports pandas + cudf, using parallelism within each level computation Options: * allow_cycles: if False and detects a cycle, throw ValueException, else break cycle by picking a lowest-in-degree node * warn_cycles: if True and detects a cycle, proceed with a warning * remove_self_loops: preprocess by removing self-cycles. Avoids allow_cycles=False, warn_cycles=True messages.


edges_df = gpd.DataFrame({‘s’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’],’d’: [‘b’, ‘c’, ‘e’, ‘e’]}) g = graphistry.edges(edges_df, ‘s’, ‘d’) g2 = g.get_topological_levels() # pd.DataFrame with | ‘id’ , ‘level’ |

  • level_col (str) –

  • allow_cycles (bool) –

  • warn_cycles (bool) –

  • remove_self_loops (bool) –

Return type


hop(*args, **kwargs)

Given a graph and some source nodes, return subgraph of all paths within k-hops from the sources

This can be faster than the equivalent chain([…]) call that wraps it with additional steps

See chain() examples for examples of many of the parameters

g: Plotter nodes: dataframe with id column matching g._node. None signifies all nodes (default). hops: consider paths of length 1 to ‘hops’ steps, if any (default 1). to_fixed_point: keep hopping until no new nodes are found (ignores hops) direction: ‘forward’, ‘reverse’, ‘undirected’ edge_match: dict of kv-pairs to exact match (see also: filter_edges_by_dict) source_node_match: dict of kv-pairs to match nodes before hopping (including intermediate) destination_node_match: dict of kv-pairs to match nodes after hopping (including intermediate) source_node_query: dataframe query to match nodes before hopping (including intermediate) destination_node_query: dataframe query to match nodes after hopping (including intermediate) edge_query: dataframe query to match edges before hopping (including intermediate) return_as_wave_front: Only return the nodes/edges reached, ignoring past ones (primarily for internal use) target_wave_front: Only consider these nodes for reachability, and for intermediate hops, also consider nodes (primarily for internal use by reverse pass) engine: ‘auto’, ‘pandas’, ‘cudf’ (GPU)


Limit nodes and edges to those selected by parameter nodes For edges, both source and destination must be in nodes Nodes can be a list or series of node IDs, or a dictionary When a dictionary, each key corresponds to a node column, and nodes will be included when all match

materialize_nodes(reuse=True, engine=<EngineAbstract.AUTO: 'auto'>)

Generate g._nodes based on g._edges

Uses g._node for node id if exists, else ‘id’

Edges must be dataframe-like: cudf, pandas, …

When reuse=True and g._nodes is not None, use it

Example: Generate nodes

edges = pd.DataFrame({'s': ['a','b','c','d'], 'd': ['c','c','e','e']})
g = graphistry.edges(edges, 's', 'd')
print(g._nodes)  # None
g2 = g.materialize_nodes()
print(g2._nodes)  # pd.DataFrame
  • reuse (bool) –

  • engine (Union[EngineAbstract, str]) –

Return type




class graphistry.compute.chain.Chain(chain)

Bases: graphistry.compute.ASTSerializable.ASTSerializable


chain (List[ASTObject]) –

classmethod from_json(d)

Convert a JSON AST into a list of ASTObjects


d (Dict[str, Union[None, bool, str, float, int, List[Union[None, bool, str, float, int, List[ForwardRef], Dict[str, ForwardRef]]], Dict[str, Union[None, bool, str, float, int, List[ForwardRef], Dict[str, ForwardRef]]]]]) –

Return type



Convert a list of ASTObjects into a JSON AST

Return type

Dict[str, Union[None, bool, str, float, int, List[Union[None, bool, str, float, int, List[ForwardRef], Dict[str, ForwardRef]]], Dict[str, Union[None, bool, str, float, int, List[ForwardRef], Dict[str, ForwardRef]]]]]

Return type


graphistry.compute.chain.chain(self, ops, engine=<EngineAbstract.AUTO: 'auto'>)

Chain a list of ASTObject (node/edge) traversal operations

Return subgraph of matches according to the list of node & edge matchers If any matchers are named, add a correspondingly named boolean-valued column to the output

For direct calls, exposes convenience List[ASTObject]. Internal operational should prefer Chain.

Use engine=’cudf’ to force automatic GPU acceleration mode


ops (Union[List[ASTObject], Chain]) – List[ASTObject] Various node and edge matchers



Return type


Example: Find nodes of some type

from graphistry.ast import n

people_nodes_df = g.chain([ n({"type": "person"}) ])._nodes

Example: Find 2-hop edge sequences with some attribute

from graphistry.ast import e_forward

g_2_hops = g.chain([ e_forward({"interesting": True}, hops=2) ])

Example: Find any node 1-2 hops out from another node, and label each hop

from graphistry.ast import n, e_undirected

g_2_hops = g.chain([ n({g._node: "a"}), e_undirected(name="hop1"), e_undirected(name="hop2") ])
print('# first-hop edges:', len(g_2_hops._edges[ g_2_hops._edges.hop1 == True ]))

Example: Transaction nodes between two kinds of risky nodes

from graphistry.ast import n, e_forward, e_reverse

g_risky = g.chain([
    n({"risk1": True}),
    n({"type": "transaction"}, name="hit"),
    n({"risk2": True})
print('# hits:', len(g_risky._nodes[ g_risky._nodes.hit ]))

Example: Filter by multiple node types at each step using is_in

from graphistry.ast import n, e_forward, e_reverse, is_in

g_risky = g.chain([
    n({"type": is_in(["person", "company"])}),
    e_forward({"e_type": is_in(["owns", "reviews"])}, to_fixed=True),
    n({"type": is_in(["transaction", "account"])}, name="hit"),
    n({"risk2": True})
print('# hits:', len(g_risky._nodes[ g_risky._nodes.hit ]))

Example: Run with automatic GPU acceleration

import cudf
import graphistry

e_gdf = cudf.from_pandas(df)
g1 = graphistry.edges(e_gdf, 's', 'd')
g2 = g1.chain([ ... ])

Example: Run with automatic GPU acceleration, and force GPU mode

import cudf
import graphistry

e_gdf = cudf.from_pandas(df)
g1 = graphistry.edges(e_gdf, 's', 'd')
g2 = g1.chain([ ... ], engine='cudf')
  • self (Plottable) –

  • engine (Union[EngineAbstract, str]) –

graphistry.compute.chain.combine_steps(g, kind, steps, engine)

Collect nodes and edges, taking care to deduplicate and tag any names

  • g (Plottable) –

  • kind (str) –

  • steps (List[Tuple[ASTObject, Plottable]]) –

  • engine (Engine) –

Return type



class graphistry.compute.cluster.ClusterMixin(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

dbscan(min_dist=0.2, min_samples=1, cols=None, kind='nodes', fit_umap_embedding=True, target=False, verbose=False, engine_dbscan='sklearn', *args, **kwargs)
DBSCAN clustering on cpu or gpu infered automatically. Adds a _dbscan column to nodes or edges.

NOTE: g.transform_dbscan(..) currently unsupported on GPU.


g = graphistry.edges(edf, 'src', 'dst').nodes(ndf, 'node')

# cluster by UMAP embeddings
kind = 'nodes' | 'edges'
g2 = g.umap(kind=kind).dbscan(kind=kind)
print(g2._nodes['_dbscan']) | print(g2._edges['_dbscan'])

# dbscan in umap or featurize API
g2 = g.umap(dbscan=True, min_dist=1.2, min_samples=2, **kwargs)
# or, here dbscan is infered from features, not umap embeddings
g2 = g.featurize(dbscan=True, min_dist=1.2, min_samples=2, **kwargs)

# and via chaining,
g2 = g.umap().dbscan(min_dist=1.2, min_samples=2, **kwargs)

# cluster by feature embeddings
g2 = g.featurize().dbscan(**kwargs)

# cluster by a given set of feature column attributes, or with target=True
g2 = g.featurize().dbscan(cols=['ip_172', 'location', 'alert'], target=False, **kwargs)

# equivalent to above (ie, cols != None and umap=True will still use features dataframe, rather than UMAP embeddings)
g2 = g.umap().dbscan(cols=['ip_172', 'location', 'alert'], umap=True | False, **kwargs)

g2.plot() # color by `_dbscan` column

Enriching the graph with cluster labels from UMAP is useful for visualizing clusters in the graph by color, size, etc, as well as assessing metrics per cluster, e.g.

min_dist float

The maximum distance between two samples for them to be considered as in the same neighborhood.

kind str

‘nodes’ or ‘edges’


list of columns to use for clustering given g.featurize has been run, nice way to slice features or targets by fragments of interest, e.g. [‘ip_172’, ‘location’, ‘ssh’, ‘warnings’]

fit_umap_embedding bool

whether to use UMAP embeddings or features dataframe to cluster DBSCAN


The number of samples in a neighborhood for a point to be considered as a core point. This includes the point itself.


whether to use the target column as the clustering feature

  • min_dist (float) –

  • min_samples (int) –

  • cols (Union[List, str, None]) –

  • kind (str) –

  • fit_umap_embedding (bool) –

  • target (bool) –

  • verbose (bool) –

  • engine_dbscan (str) –

transform_dbscan(df, y=None, min_dist='auto', infer_umap_embedding=False, sample=None, n_neighbors=None, kind='nodes', return_graph=True, verbose=False)

Transforms a minibatch dataframe to one with a new column ‘_dbscan’ containing the DBSCAN cluster labels on the minibatch and generates a graph with the minibatch and the original graph, with edges between the minibatch and the original graph inferred from the umap embedding or features dataframe. Graph nodes | edges will be colored by ‘_dbscan’ column.


    g = graphistry.edges(edf, 'src', 'dst').nodes(ndf, 'node')
    g2 = g.featurize().dbscan()


    emb, X, _, ndf = g2.transform_dbscan(ndf, return_graph=False)
    # or
    g3 = g2.transform_dbscan(ndf, return_graph=True)

likewise for umap:

    g = graphistry.edges(edf, 'src', 'dst').nodes(ndf, 'node')
    g2 = g.umap(X=.., y=..).dbscan()


    emb, X, y, ndf = g2.transform_dbscan(ndf, ndf, return_graph=False)
    # or
    g3 = g2.transform_dbscan(ndf, ndf, return_graph=True)

dataframe to transform


optional labels dataframe


The maximum distance between two samples for them to be considered as in the same neighborhood. smaller values will result in less edges between the minibatch and the original graph. Default ‘auto’, infers min_dist from the mean distance and std of new points to the original graph


whether to use UMAP embeddings or features dataframe when inferring edges between the minibatch and the original graph. Default False, uses the features dataframe


number of samples to use when inferring edges between the minibatch and the original graph, if None, will only use closest point to the minibatch. If greater than 0, will sample the closest sample points in existing graph to pull in more edges. Default None


‘nodes’ or ‘edges’


whether to return a graph or the (emb, X, y, minibatch df enriched with DBSCAN labels), default True infered graph supports kind=’nodes’ only.


whether to print out progress, default False

  • df (DataFrame) –

  • y (Optional[DataFrame]) –

  • min_dist (Union[float, str]) –

  • infer_umap_embedding (bool) –

  • sample (Optional[int]) –

  • n_neighbors (Optional[int]) –

  • kind (str) –

  • return_graph (bool) –

  • verbose (bool) –

graphistry.compute.cluster.dbscan_fit(g, dbscan, kind='nodes', cols=None, use_umap_embedding=True, target=False, verbose=False)
Fits clustering on UMAP embeddings if umap is True, otherwise on the features dataframe

or target dataframe if target is True.


graphistry graph


‘nodes’ or ‘edges’


list of columns to use for clustering given g.featurize has been run


whether to use UMAP embeddings or features dataframe for clustering (default: True)

  • g (Any) –

  • dbscan (Any) –

  • kind (str) –

  • cols (Union[List, str, None]) –

  • use_umap_embedding (bool) –

  • target (bool) –

  • verbose (bool) –

graphistry.compute.cluster.dbscan_predict(X, model)

DBSCAN has no predict per se, so we reverse engineer one here from

  • X (DataFrame) –

  • model (Any) –

graphistry.compute.cluster.get_model_matrix(g, kind, cols, umap, target)

Allows for a single function to get the model matrix for both nodes and edges as well as targets, embeddings, and features


graphistry graph


‘nodes’ or ‘edges’


list of columns to use for clustering given g.featurize has been run


whether to use UMAP embeddings or features dataframe


whether to use the target dataframe or features dataframe


pd.DataFrame: dataframe of model matrix given the inputs

  • kind (str) –

  • cols (Union[List, str, None]) –

graphistry.compute.cluster.make_safe_gpu_dataframes(X, y, engine)

helper method to coerce a dataframe to the correct type (pd vs cudf)


engine (Literal[‘cuml’, ‘umap_learn’, ‘auto’]) –

Return type

Literal[‘cuml’, ‘umap_learn’]



Helper to set COLLAPSE columns to nodes and edges dataframe, while converting src, dst, node to dtype(str) :type g: Plottable :param g: graphistry instance


graphistry instance

graphistry.compute.collapse.check_has_set(ndf, parent, child)
graphistry.compute.collapse.collapse_algo(g, child, parent, attribute, column, seen)

Basically candy crush over graph properties in a topology aware manner

Checks to see if child node has desired property from parent, we will need to check if (start_node=parent: has_attribute , children nodes: has_attribute) by case (T, T), (F, T), (T, F) and (F, F),we start recursive collapse (or not) on the children, reassigning nodes and edges.

if (T, T), append children nodes to start_node, re-assign the name of the node, and update the edge table with new name,

if (F, T) start k-(potentially new) super nodes, with k the number of children of start_node. Start node keeps k outgoing edges.

if (T, F) it is the end of the cluster, and we keep new node as is; keep going

if (F, F); keep going

  • seen (dict) –

  • g (Plottable) – graphistry instance

  • child (Union[str, int]) – child node to start traversal, for first traversal, set child=parent or vice versa.

  • parent (Union[str, int]) – parent node to start traversal, in main call, this is set to child.

  • attribute (Union[str, int]) – attribute to collapse by

  • column (Union[str, int]) – column in nodes dataframe to collapse over.


graphistry instance with collapsed nodes.

graphistry.compute.collapse.collapse_by(self, parent, start_node, attribute, column, seen, self_edges=False, unwrap=False, verbose=True)

Main call in, collapses nodes and edges by attribute, and returns normalized graphistry object.

  • self (Plottable) – graphistry instance

  • parent (Union[str, int]) – parent node to start traversal, in main call, this is set to child.

  • start_node (Union[str, int]) –

  • attribute (Union[str, int]) – attribute to collapse by

  • column (Union[str, int]) – column in nodes dataframe to collapse over.

  • seen (dict) – dict of previously collapsed pairs – {n1, n2) is seen as different from (n2, n1)

  • verbose (bool) – bool, default True

:returns graphistry instance with collapsed and normalized nodes.

  • self_edges (bool) –

  • unwrap (bool) –

Return type


graphistry.compute.collapse.collapse_nodes_and_edges(g, parent, child)

Asserts that parent and child node in ndf should be collapsed into super node. Sets new ndf with COLLAPSE nodes in graphistry instance g

# this asserts that we SHOULD merge parent and child as super node # outside logic controls when that is the case # for example, it assumes parent is already in cluster keys of COLLAPSE node

  • g (Plottable) – graphistry instance

  • parent (Union[str, int]) – node with attribute in column

  • child (Union[str, int]) – node with attribute in column


graphistry instance

graphistry.compute.collapse.get_children(g, node_id, hops=1)

Helper that gets children at k-hops from node node_id

:returns graphistry instance of hops

  • g (Plottable) –

  • node_id (Union[str, int]) –

  • hops (int) –

graphistry.compute.collapse.get_cluster_store_keys(ndf, node)

Main innovation in finding and adding to super node. Checks if node is a segment in any collapse_node in COLLAPSE column of nodes DataFrame

  • ndf (DataFrame) – node DataFrame

  • node (Union[str, int]) – node to find


DataFrame of bools of where wrap_key(node) exists in COLLAPSE column

graphistry.compute.collapse.get_edges_in_out_cluster(g, node_id, attribute, column, directed=True)

Traverses children of node_id and separates them into incluster and outcluster sets depending if they have attribute in node DataFrame column

  • g (Plottable) – graphistry instance

  • node_id (Union[str, int]) – node with attribute in column

  • attribute (Union[str, int]) – attribute to collapse in column over

  • column (Union[str, int]) – column to collapse over

  • directed (bool) –

graphistry.compute.collapse.get_edges_of_node(g, node_id, outgoing_edges=True, hops=1)

Gets edges of node at k-hops from node

  • g (Plottable) – graphistry instance

  • node_id (Union[str, int]) – node to find edges from

  • outgoing_edges (bool) – bool, if true, finds all outgoing edges of node, default True

  • hops (int) – the number of hops from node to take, default = 1


DataFrame of edges

graphistry.compute.collapse.get_new_node_name(ndf, parent, child)

If child in cluster group, melts name, else makes new parent_name from parent, child

  • ndf (DataFrame) – node DataFrame

  • parent (Union[str, int]) – node with attribute in column

  • child (Union[str, int]) – node with attribute in column

:returns new_parent_name

Return type


graphistry.compute.collapse.has_edge(g, n1, n2, directed=True)

Checks if n1 and n2 share an (directed or not) edge

  • g (Plottable) – graphistry instance

  • n1 (Union[str, int]) – node to check if has edge to n2

  • n2 (Union[str, int]) – node to check if has edge to n1

  • directed (bool) – bool, if True, checks only outgoing edges from n1->`n2`, else finds undirected edges

Return type



bool, if edge exists between n1 and n2

graphistry.compute.collapse.has_property(g, ref_node, attribute, column)

Checks if ref_node is in node dataframe in column with attribute :type attribute: Union[str, int] :param attribute: :type column: Union[str, int] :param column: :type g: Plottable :param g: graphistry instance :type ref_node: Union[str, int] :param ref_node: node to check if it as attribute in column

Return type




graphistry.compute.collapse.in_cluster_store_keys(ndf, node)

checks if node is in collapse_node in COLLAPSE column of nodes DataFrame

  • ndf (DataFrame) – nodes DataFrame

  • node (Union[str, int]) – node to find

Return type




graphistry.compute.collapse.melt(ndf, node)

Reduces node if in cluster store, otherwise passes it through. ex:

node = “4” will take any sequence from get_cluster_store_keys, “1 2 3”, “4 3 6” and returns “1 2 3 4 6” when they have a common entry (3).

:param ndf, node DataFrame :type node: Union[str, int] :param node: node to melt :returns new_parent_name of super node


ndf (DataFrame) –

Return type


graphistry.compute.collapse.normalize_graph(g, self_edges=False, unwrap=False)

Final step after collapse traversals are done, removes duplicates and moves COLLAPSE columns into respective(node, src, dst) columns of node, edges dataframe from Graphistry instance g.

  • g (Plottable) – graphistry instance

  • self_edges (bool) – bool, whether to keep duplicates from ndf, edf, default False

  • unwrap (bool) – bool, whether to unwrap node text with ~, default True

Return type



final graphistry instance


Takes “1 1 2 1 2 3” -> “1 2 3


key (Union[str, int]) – node name

Return type



new node name with duplicates removed


Helper method that unpacks graphistry instance


ndf, edf, src, dst, node = unpack(g)


g (Plottable) – graphistry instance


node DataFrame, edge DataFrame, source column, destination column, node column


Unwraps node name: ~name~ -> name


name (Union[str, int]) – node to unwrap

Return type



unwrapped node name


Wraps node name -> ~name~


name (Union[str, int]) – node name

Return type



wrapped node name


class graphistry.compute.conditional.ConditionalMixin(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

conditional_graph(x, given, kind='nodes', *args, **kwargs)

conditional_graph – p(x|given) = p(x, given) / p(given)

Useful for finding the conditional probability of a node or edge attribute

returned dataframe sums to 1 on each column

  • x – target column

  • given – the dependent column

  • kind – ‘nodes’ or ‘edges’

  • args/kwargs – additional arguments for g.bind(…)


a graphistry instance with the conditional graph edges weighted by the conditional probability. edges are between x and given, keep in mind that g._edges.columns = [given, x, _probs]

conditional_probs(x, given, kind='nodes', how='index')

Produces a Dense Matrix of the conditional probability of x given y


x: the column variable of interest given the column y=given given : the variabe to fix constant df pd.DataFrame: dataframe how (str, optional): One of ‘column’ or ‘index’. Defaults to ‘index’. kind (str, optional): ‘nodes’ or ‘edges’. Defaults to ‘nodes’.


pd.DataFrame: the conditional probability of x given the column y as dense array like dataframe

graphistry.compute.conditional.conditional_probability(x, given, df)
conditional probability function over categorical variables

p(x | given) = p(x, given)/p(given)


x: the column variable of interest given the column ‘given’ given: the variabe to fix constant df: dataframe with columns [given, x]


pd.DataFrame: the conditional probability of x given the column ‘given’


df (DataFrame) –

graphistry.compute.conditional.probs(x, given, df, how='index')

Produces a Dense Matrix of the conditional probability of x given y=given


x: the column variable of interest given the column ‘y’ given : the variabe to fix constant df pd.DataFrame: dataframe how (str, optional): One of ‘column’ or ‘index’. Defaults to ‘index’.


pd.DataFrame: the conditional probability of x given the column ‘y’ as dense array like dataframe


df (DataFrame) –

Filter by Dictionary

graphistry.compute.filter_by_dict.filter_by_dict(df, filter_dict=None, engine=<EngineAbstract.AUTO: 'auto'>)

return df where rows match all values in filter_dict

  • df (Any) –

  • filter_dict (Optional[dict]) –

  • engine (Union[EngineAbstract, str]) –

Return type


graphistry.compute.filter_by_dict.filter_edges_by_dict(self, filter_dict, engine=<EngineAbstract.AUTO: 'auto'>)

filter edges to those that match all values in filter_dict

  • self (Plottable) –

  • filter_dict (dict) –

  • engine (Union[EngineAbstract, str]) –

Return type


graphistry.compute.filter_by_dict.filter_nodes_by_dict(self, filter_dict, engine=<EngineAbstract.AUTO: 'auto'>)

filter nodes to those that match all values in filter_dict

  • self (Plottable) –

  • filter_dict (dict) –

  • engine (Union[EngineAbstract, str]) –

Return type



graphistry.compute.hop.hop(self, nodes=None, hops=1, to_fixed_point=False, direction='forward', edge_match=None, source_node_match=None, destination_node_match=None, source_node_query=None, destination_node_query=None, edge_query=None, return_as_wave_front=False, target_wave_front=None, engine=<EngineAbstract.AUTO: 'auto'>)

Given a graph and some source nodes, return subgraph of all paths within k-hops from the sources

This can be faster than the equivalent chain([…]) call that wraps it with additional steps

See chain() examples for examples of many of the parameters

g: Plotter nodes: dataframe with id column matching g._node. None signifies all nodes (default). hops: consider paths of length 1 to ‘hops’ steps, if any (default 1). to_fixed_point: keep hopping until no new nodes are found (ignores hops) direction: ‘forward’, ‘reverse’, ‘undirected’ edge_match: dict of kv-pairs to exact match (see also: filter_edges_by_dict) source_node_match: dict of kv-pairs to match nodes before hopping (including intermediate) destination_node_match: dict of kv-pairs to match nodes after hopping (including intermediate) source_node_query: dataframe query to match nodes before hopping (including intermediate) destination_node_query: dataframe query to match nodes after hopping (including intermediate) edge_query: dataframe query to match edges before hopping (including intermediate) return_as_wave_front: Only return the nodes/edges reached, ignoring past ones (primarily for internal use) target_wave_front: Only consider these nodes for reachability, and for intermediate hops, also consider nodes (primarily for internal use by reverse pass) engine: ‘auto’, ‘pandas’, ‘cudf’ (GPU)

  • self (Plottable) –

  • nodes (Optional[Any]) –

  • hops (Optional[int]) –

  • to_fixed_point (bool) –

  • direction (str) –

  • edge_match (Optional[dict]) –

  • source_node_match (Optional[dict]) –

  • destination_node_match (Optional[dict]) –

  • source_node_query (Optional[str]) –

  • destination_node_query (Optional[str]) –

  • edge_query (Optional[str]) –

  • target_wave_front (Optional[Any]) –

  • engine (Union[EngineAbstract, str]) –

Return type


graphistry.compute.hop.query_if_not_none(query, df)
  • query (Optional[str]) –

  • df (Any) –

Return type

